The Spin Linear Theory of Physics


The purpose of this website is to introduce simple and intuitive models that explain the action of gravity and certain aspects of the nature of matter. The various mechanisms fit together and compliment each other.

The gravity mechanism is a field theory in flat Spacetime which will partially, and may totally alleviate the need for Dark Matter to explain the galactic rotation curve anomaly, and the need for Dark Energy to explain the accelerating expansion of the Universe.  It provides a velocity dependant potential for gravity which increases with velocity, unlike General Relativity in which the strength of gravity decreases with velocity. The model will predict the Perihelion Precession of Mercury, and all elliptical orbits. In this theory, light is deflected  by gravity by twice as much as baryonic matter (as is known to be the case) because of the nature of the photon, not because of gravity itself. The proposed mechanism has no connection to the Curved Spacetime mechanism of General Relativity. It is also a model that will fit naturally with quantum mechanics.

The basic premise of the model is that at a fundamental level, all matter including the particles that make up the gravitational field are always travelling at the speed of light. All particles whether photons, gravity particles or any other matter particles continuously travel at C, either linearly, or in spin motion. The model connects The Weak Equivalence Principle to E=MC2 and to the kinetic energy equation KE=½ MV2 and in doing this it gives a logical mechanism for time dilation and length contraction. It explains why the impact speed of light (and of the gravity field particles) with any moving observer is always the speed of light regardless of the speed of the observer. It does this in a logical way without any need for Special or General Relativity.



The download papers should ideally be read in sequence for continuity. The  ‘Introduction Paper’, provides a brief look at the milestones in the history of gravitational physics. This leads through to Special Relativity and onto General Relativity. It sets the scenes for the following papers. ‘The Cause Of The Precession Of The Perihelion Of Mercury And Of Elliptical Orbits’ paper gives an intuitive explanation of why elliptical orbits precess. The ‘Mechanism Of Gravity’ paper provides a description of the spin linear mechanism of gravity and explains its likely connection to Dark Matter and Dark Energy. The fourth paper, ‘The Nature Of Matter’ discusses some fundamental aspects of matter. It explains why the kinetic energy equation E=½ MV is just the version of Einstein’s E=MC2 equation which applies to full matter particles and it explains why light is deflected by gravity, by twice the amount predicted by Newton.

These papers have been updated previously and updates will be ongoing. No information from this website should be reproduced without the consent of the author.

Click below to download the PDFs.

About the Author

Paul Thurgood is a Chartered Mechanical engineer, who studied Mechanical and Aeronautical engineering at Kingston, and has a great interest in the mechanisms that underlie physics, and the physical world around us.


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First copywritten on the 25th of March 2014